Here are some photo's of the finished work this week. First are some plain socks for Lindsay she has been waiting a long time for them so I just sat down and did them. I do like how the yarn pools and then stripes very clever..

This is the smock a rouche scarf from one skein wonders book. The smocking looks so good but unfortunately the photo doesn't do it justice.
And finally a pair of Bremen socks just cast on
And some photos of Basil in the snow today he was very brave when he had his stitches out and will soon be able to be out and about with out a tee shirt (stops him chewing his scar a bit)
"Come on Red it won't bite and I will stop chasing you soon" I Will I Will !!!!
Okay I will have to roll I will I am going to show you look its fun Red
Over you go oooooooooh !
And finally you just keep wiggling it make Auntie Sandy Laugh so much...
Red of course didn't join in he is much to mature and dignified Bless. Basil will be going home on friday and I must say he will be missed for lots of reasons and yes they are all good ones. I love a dog with charactor and he has it in buckets I am so lucky to get involved with BARKING MAD.
Love the socks! They're too lovely to be hidden under shoes.
I'm so glad to see Basil is on the mend. What is BARKING MAD?
ah a company nationwide that takes dog from their home when owners go on holiday and places the dog with a host family (who have been veted)so the dog gets to go on holiday too..great much better than kennels
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